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Join Our Free Webinar & Live Doctor Q&A: Tuesday 7th May at 6pm!

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What is PGT-M?

PGT-M is a technique used to assess embryos for genetic diseases and chromosomal abnormalities. It involves the removal of one or more cells from embryos before they are transferred. The cells are then screened for any genetic disease that is known to be carried in the family.

PGT-M can be used to look for single-gene disorders (inherited diseases caused by a single faulty gene) and chromosomal translocations. Unaffected embryos can then be selected for re-implantation. This protects resulting children from inheriting the disease. 


Who is it suitable for?

PGT-M is primarily used for individuals/couples who are at high risk of passing on an inherited disease. There are over 4000 conditions caused by single-gene mutations which can be tested for using PGD.

You may consider using PGT-M if you or your partner:

  • are carriers of the same autosomal recessive condition such as Sickle Cell Disease or Cystic fibrosis
  • have an autosomal dominant condition such as Huntington disease or Marfan Syndrome
  • have a mutation associated with a hereditary cancer syndrome like Lynch Syndrome or BRCA1 & 2

Advantages of PGT-M

Improves IVF success rates
Improves IVF success rates
Improves IVF success rates
Improves IVF success rates

Genetically healthy embryos are more likely to implant and result in birth.

It reduces the risk of passing on inherited disease
It reduces the risk of passing on inherited disease
It reduces the risk of passing on inherited disease
It reduces the risk of passing on inherited disease

PGD allows individuals/couples with known inherited disease to have a child who is likely to be free from disease.

It can be used to diagnose Down Syndrome
It can be used to diagnose Down Syndrome
It can be used to diagnose Down Syndrome
It can be used to diagnose Down Syndrome

In PGS the number of chromosomes is examined and likely cases of Down Syndrome can be identified.


PGT-M set up fee costs £2,500 plus £395 per embryo

Our PGT-M service is only available at our St Paul's, Wimbledon, Manchester & Birmingham clinics.

If you would like to find out more about PGT-M then please give us a call

Out cutting edge PGT-M with Next Generation Sequencing can be bought as part of a 3 Cycle IVF Package or can be added to a single cycle treatment.

PGT-M is an optional additional treatment to routine IVF treatment, to ensure our patients make an informed decision about whether using PGT-M as part of their treatment the HFEA provide further information which can be found on their website here.


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